Nora the Seedrian 

Nora is a proud, strong princess of Amazina, born and rasied in Spagonia, her mother Queen Earthia takes more care of her then any maid in the castle, she is of the Plant and Holy species. She resembles a white rose. She also seems like one, she is kind, tough, and beautiful she sometimes giggles with a cute possion to get what she wants or to make someone smile. She likes to hang around Spagonia jumping from building to building, she is watched over by Oak and Linch. She was born to give peace over Plant and Animal species, yet a day after birth her father was killed. She has no grugde over any species, so made differnt friends allover Amazina, so she is never in danger! 

Queen Earthia the Seedrian 

The Queen of Amazina and mother of Nora, she looks over the kingdom ever since Darem killed her husband. She once lived in Sunlite Grove until the male species of the Seedrians started to take over. She is strong, smart, loyal, and kind. She shows of a stern look but, look closely and she is the kindest person you'll ever meet. She wears a Amulent to protect her from harm. Her daughter does not for strang reasons, for all Seedrains wear it. She wears a Lilly flower on her head to hide her blooms to hold in her power. She repersents pink lillys. 

Melody the Seedrian 

One of the Plant Counicl, she is Earthia's helper and aid. She lost her husband years ago due to a war of the species, she is The lady of the  Orcahads, and takes care of the baby seedrains that come from the mother seedrian trees, her personality is quiet, senstive, and shy. She also looks after Nora. She mostly known as Earthia's most trustworthy friend. 

Diva the Seedrian 

Diva is the leader in the Seedrian Labtory, she communacts with the Plant species' allies the Alien Species, she helped with the artcafial male Seedrians, she is smart, and has good leadership. She isn't seen much due to the fact she is always seems to be at the LaZuna Spaceport. 

Aurora the Cat 

A princess of Seasion, she was useing her powers until she fell into Amazina, Nora found her body unconsious on the ground. Aurora is bold and and easylily misled, she is Nora's best friend and hasn't told her she is a princess too! Even if there are people like her, she feels out of place but can't leave Nora. She is a great techniacn, and helps with Nora when fixing the generators of Spagonia. She can travel into space and time, Nora knew this before she told her because Nora has the ablity to talk to plants which, animal species do not know of, sense peoples' emotions. Aurora likes to tag along Nora most of the time, she also fell in Love with the part Animal and Dream species, Rayenn. Due to her powers she can travel to Nuwa without falling to sleep. Yet for some reason even though she did try to leave Amazina, she failed for the Precious Crystals create a spaciel barrier to pervent people from traveling into space.

Eva the Dream Jester  

A Dream Species being who lives in Nuwa, she is flirty and sassy. She likes to hang around Rayenn, she guards the Dream Crystal. She's seems very untrustworthy to protect something precious, but she is tough and fast. She flies allover Nuwa looking for someone to play with! She is sentive when it comes to loseing something.... 

Linnil the Dream Jester  

He's self-confident and headstrong, or rather hard headed, he always dives in first at the single sight of trouble. He thinks he can take care of anything by himself. He is partners with Rayenn to defend Nuwa and help with the vistors. He does not like people alot, when they pick on him. But he likes to fly over the Dream Crystal Fountain to relax. He's never really thinks before he acts which becomes a problem with the other Dream Species... 

Rayenn the Dream Wizard  

 Rayenn is quiet and relaxed, yet aggresive against Chill and Nimare. He doesn't notices that Aurora likes him, or loves him. He is confused at the fact she can visit him at day, until Nora explained to him. He likes to be alone, yet he has a certian charm related to Shadow, which alot of female vistors like to choose him as a partner. But he is hard to get with his closed up personality. It takes time, but he is very loyal to his friends. He is part Animal and Dream Species, which is rare but he calls himself a Dream wizard to say he is his own species, because he has a fear of being called a freak. He doesn't really have any memory of his past, which is probaly the case of why he likes to be alone.

Zen the Experment  

He is a test subject in the LaZuna, he was born with a black mark on his forehead and after weeks of research the Zlukes found out it was a curse mark of Darem. Then they took him away to the Spacecolony to see what has cursed him, after many tests they found no extra ablitys, powers, or anything until when he was 4, while doing another test a circut wire was broke and electracuted Zen, which somehow actavatied his powers, his body soon shrouded in shadows and his power turned enourmas and soon he broke the hold down latches and flew across the room into the hallway, the Zlukes released Project Life: 0, 0.1, and 35, to catch him, they were all defeted until Earthia came while on her monthly visit with her 2 year-old daughter in her hands, she was angered at a experment on a natural creature, she ripped the shadows of Zen which left him powerless and yelled at the Zlukes for what they were doing. Years later Zen was known as Project: Nazo, due to the fact his powers were dark and mysterious. He is able to go through walls and teleport through space and fly, but only when he is in his Dark Form, he has no friends until he meet Nora, only older, and became friends because Nora knew how he felt inside. He is playful and entergitic, hates being yelled at when he uses his powers.... 

Lince the Holien  

The one who looks over Amazina, the descendt of Lighten, he is covered in gold. His body glows with holy light, he is serious and stern, but a smile on his face is a symbol of hope. He cares about people who got hurt, or harmed. He is disgraced at the fact his twin brother has become Darem's top minon. He droped from Heaven Haven ever since he heard the news of Lighten's death. He looks over Nora for strange reasons. He can fly stop time and run through objects as a orb of light. He hopes to turn his brother's heart around, and be togther as mortals again. But for 100 years that dream has yet to come true. 

Soro the Flyer  

A friendly 15 year-old boy. Part Animal and Wind species, he's Nora's most best friend, infact Nora had shown some romantic features towards Soro, he is the son of the King of Winds, King Skyrus, Soro hates his full name                               Sorocano Sren Soarcanna! He perfers Soro alot better, he can control winds, a power past down the royal family. His father looks foward to Soro taking the throne some day, yet Soro hopes it never comes. He was born on the floating island of Soarcanna. He shows alot body features of his father, but he is more animal then wind. He is courages, cool, a little short-tempered, but a guy that likes to relax, if Nora wants to go some where far away, all she has to do is ask Soro.

King Skyrus the Flyer  

He is the King of the Wind species, he very powerful, he has 4 mighty wings that can blow anything away. He is aggrisve towards his enemies, he is allies with the animals species due to he is part animal. There for he does not like the Plant species all that much, yet they provide clean oxygen in the air but they do not get along with the alien species because they pollute it. Skyrus looks at his youngest son, Soro, as a new king. He has a bad case of pride. He can control the wind and air ways, he flies faster then anything. He was once friends with Lighten until he was killed. He blamed the plants. He feels very uncomfertable with his son being around Nora, yet it makes him relax a little since she is the princess of the whole kingdom. 

The Seedrian Trio!  

Annie the Seedrian (on the left) 

A sweet kind 13 yearl-old girl, she is the brains of the trio, and she is the sweetest. She doesn't like alot of what Rosie does but she tags along anyway. She is usauly happy and strong.  

Rosie the Seedrian (the middle) 

The leader of the heroic three, she is strong and tough, and can be sassy and stuck-up, but she likes to play dirty when things get rough, she is 16 years-old. 

Dasie the Seedrian (on the left) 

She is the youngest and the shyist. She hardly speaks, but is very friendly, she can easliy cry when yeld at, which Rosie does alot, Annie takes care of this little girl, for Dasie can get scared easliy, she is 10 years-old. 

Starla the Seedrian  

She is a strange and secertive Seedrian, she is Nora's personal Maid or Takecarer, she doesn't talk alot and nobody knows alot about her, she says to Nora alot is that they have in common more then you think! Her background is a complete mystery! 

Solin the Spirit  

 He is a spirit-animal species left behind in the Twilight Realm, he seeks for a compain to help him free himself completely from the Dark World, he is powerful and has a dense aura comeing from him,he can shape shift, fly, turn invisable, go through walls, and teleport, when he teleports out of the Twilight Realm, he turns into a shadow, which is why he is looking for a way to completely exit the world of shadows, Solin is devious and has a sour tounge, and can be a bit hotheaded but he is a good allie!

 Aura the Seedrian

She's the Royal Artisant, loves to paint many things and hang them in the castle walls. She is a good riddler and keeps saying "I know what you don't!" She acts like Nora self-consius, she is also part spirit which allows her to go through walls, apear out of nowhere and fly, she likes to play, but if you see her in the gardens she's probaly painting her favorite flowers! She allways keeps her petal brush! 

Princess Sapphire 

One, of the daugters of Queen Moona, she is alot like Nora, for the fact she is indepent, free, and likes to be outside of Nuwa, she is very aggrissive towards Rayenn. 

Princess Ruby  

She is one of 7 daugters of Moona, she is snobbish, spoiled, and thinks as herself as a self-profond hero, she is aggrasive towards Eva, because she likes Rayenn and Hopes one day they can get married! 

Princess Emerald  

A princess of Nuwa and one of Moona's daugters, she is loyal to the planet as a seedrian, she even made her own petal skirt, she likes to hang in trees and hate voilence, Linnil seems to like this green gale! 

Princess Topaz  

 She is the eldest daughter of Moona, and the most loyal to the kingdom, she stands by her mother's side as a body guard, she is very proud about her royal blood, she is stubborn when it comes to fighting, she hates Nimare!

Princess Diamond  

She is one of the daughters of the Queen of Dreams, she likes to hang around with Lince, she wears a scarf Lince gave her when she was about to be attacked by a devlian, she enjoys the outside world instead of the Dream world, she tries to follow Lince all over Amazina. 

Princess Pearl  

The youngest of the 7 daughters of Moona, she seems alot like Ruby, but she is very honest and shy, just like Glory, she hopes for peace of all species comes one day, she likes run instead of fly. 

Princess Onyx  

She is middle child of Queen Moona, she is part Dream Jester part Night Jester, she is not evil, but likes Nimare, she is like juliet because she is still the princess of Good Dreams, while Nimare is Prince of Nightmares, she is quiet and rarely talks to her sibblings, she flies at the dark moon of Nuwa. 

Nimare the Night Jester  

A prince of the night! He is the leader of the Night Jesters, which are negative Dream Jesters. He is very powerful and is rivals with Rayenn, he also seems to be showing some love features to Onyx. He is the main bad guy in Nuwa, he is also a servent to Darenss, a dream creature created to look like Darem, he makes nightmares to all of the young children that come to Nuwa, yet he can't touch Nora's for some reason, they say her dreams are to powerful to change! 

Flare the Dragon 

 The young part animal part Dragon Princess of Pheniox, she is very strong and can control the flames! She even breathes fire, she is loyal to the Dragon Kingdom and is ready to take charge, unlike the free spirited Nora. She is tomboish, and there is one thing she won't do, put a dress on...

Renth the Plant Fox 

A young three Tailed Fox kid, he is part plant and animal species and is a decendent of Terrador! He is a lone childe who was adopted by Earthia and lives at the castle, his mother Honora, is stuck as a tree, or so people say. He is destined for great things she says. He is a good friend to Nora, but being both Animal and Plant he is taunted by alot of kids, so he is shy and sensative. But he can be happy and cheerful when around his only friend, Nora!

Dierin the Devilen

A monster, people will say, he is the leader and most powerful Devilen of Darem's Death Species Army, he is also the brother of the holy Lince, his fate has taken him to a dark path. Nora is no match for this creature alone! For he has the true darkness with him, he can fly, blast dark magic aura, and uses black magic to summon evil Devilens from the Twilight Realm. He some how shows signs of honor to the animals, but he never betrayed Darem, or did he...... 

Project Life: zero

Codenamed: Xeon  

A artacificaily-created creature, he is the first perfect life project creature who was given perfect mind, body, and thoughts. But after a tragic accident which while trying to handle the little Zen, made a rock from a wall crash on his head, after a while Xeon started to act strangly, instead of a robot-minded servent, he started to show signs of emotions... He suddenly started asking questions about life..

Even though he is a very powerful creature, with the power to alter his body to suit any terrain. He contians extremly powerful psychic control. Do to his PERFECT creation, he is ageless.. 

Project Life: 0.1


Codenamed: Star  

Star is the prototype of the life project! He has been given the power to grant wishes, but, selfish wishes seems to give Star power, and more power! When someone hit the 10 selfish wish limit! Star got so powerful, he immeditingly went straight to his Perfect Mode, and almost destroyed the whole LaZuna! After that his brother was created and he was locked away... Until! Xeon with the urge to find his own family, he unlocked him.... Star has psychic capabilites matching towards Xeon's.

Unlike the caring Xeon, Star is straight foward, and gets whats needed to be done.... no matter what... 

Project Life: 35


Codenamed: Memee 

Memee's name is a pun for the fact she can shapshift into anything. She is the 35th Life project made right after LaVeva, (Project: 34) She is one out of three that had permant release, of the Project life species, she is a hyper active prankster, and yet does not have the same free will Xeon has. She does not have very powerful psychic attacks but can replace it with great strength by shifting. She seems cute, but she's dangrous, Memee is the only released Life project that does not, at perfect form, look like a dragon, instead she takes on a look of a angel goddesse. 

Angel and Devil the Hedgehogs


Both: These twins repersent Yin and Yang, Angel or his real name Len, is of a good side of a person while, Devil or his real name Rin, is of a bad side. Nether brother is evil, not even Devil, they are never seen apart, and people say when they are not side-by-side, they will soon switch personalities and soon perish, like they say, light cannot live without shadow. If you notice their eyes are examples of a Chao's?


Angel (Len the Hedgehog): Len is a sweet and kind 7 year-old hedgeling, who was abanded when he was born. He makes up for his brother Devil, Angel is known for having feathered wings a halo hat, he also has a bow that he keeps, he has powers of protection and healing. He is shy, and will give off a cute face sometimes, and flutter his wings. Angel at his young age is a expert when it comes to flying and can stay air born for hours. He lives at the Green Orchad Orphange, he is good friends with Sol. They say that if you make Angel giggle, you will go to heaven, make him cry, and you will get a one way ticket to getting your butt kicked by his brother!


Devil (Ren the Hedgehog) : A devious little 7 year-old hedgehog, he loves pranks and pulls them on anyone he sees and meets! Unlike his brother he is a klutz at flying, and yet he is good at running (due to running away from people that he pranked). He has a pitch fork-like sword that he can psychily control when out of reach. He is nothing like his brother, but always stays at his side, they say he does pranks to make him laugh away the sadness in his heart. When Angel asks him where they come from, Devil always becomes serious and says they are freaks and will never get adopted, yet even in his dark plotted mind, he hopes for a caring family, like his brother. Devil has powers to increase power, but no defensive abilities what so ever! Angel and Devil are sometimes seen sleeping together under the tree they were found. 

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